Los verbos en inglés: Futuro perfecto continuo (Future Perfect Continuous)

El futuro perfecto continuo en inglés no se utiliza mucho y es un poco complicado de hacer. Sin embargo, en los niveles superiores si se suele utilizar, ya que tiene un significado muy preciso que puede ser conveniente.

Usos del futuro perfecto continuo.

Forma positiva:

Sujeto + will have + been (participio pasado del verbo «To be») + verbo -ing

Forma positiva del verbo «play» Forma positiva contraida Traducción
I will have been playing I’ll have been playing Yo habré estado jugando
you will have been playing you’ll have been playing tu habrás estado jugando
h will have been playing he’ll have been playing él habrá estado jugando
she will have been playing she’ll have been playing ella habrá estado jugando
it will have been playing it’ll have been playing eso habrá estado jugando
we will have been playing we’ll have been playing nosotros habremos estado jugando
you will have been playing you’ll have been playing vosotros habréis estado jugando
they will have been playing they’ll have been playing ellos habrán estado jugando

Forma negativa

Sujeto + will not have + been (participio pasado del verbo “To be”) + verbo -ing

Forma negativa del verbo «play» Forma negativa contraida Traducción
I will not have been playing I won’t have been playing Yo no habré estado jugando
you will not have been playing you won’t have been playing tu no habrás estado jugando
he will not have been playing he won’t have been playing él no habrá estado jugando
she will not have been playing she won’t have been playing ella no habrá estado jugando
it will not have been playing it won’t have been playing eso no habrá estado jugando
we will not have been playing we won’t have been playing nosotros no habremos estado jugando
you will not have been playing you won’t have been playing vosotros no habréis estado jugando
they will not have been playing they won’t have been playing ellos no habrán estado jugando

Forma interrogativa:

Will + sujeto + have + been (participio pasado del verbo “To be”) + verbo -ing

Forma interrogativa del verbo «play» Traducción
will I have been playing? ¿Yo habré estado jugando?
will you have been playing? ¿tu habrás estado jugando?
will he have been playing? ¿él habrá estado jugando?
will she have been playing? ¿ella habrá estado jugando?
will it have been playing? ¿eso habrá estado jugando?
will we have been playing? ¿nosotros habremos estado jugando?
will you have been playing? ¿vosotros habréis estado jugando?
will they have been playing? ¿ellos habrán estado jugando?

«Wh questions»:

Forma interrogativa del verbo «play» Traducción
Where will I have been playing? ¿Dónde habré estado jugando yo?
Why will you have been playing? ¿Por qué habrás estado jugando tú?
What will he have been playing? ¿A qué habrá estado jugando él?
How long will we have been playing? ¿Cuanto habremos estado jugando nosotros?

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